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日战犯鹿毛繁太:“强拆”数千户 制造“无人区”

来源:人民网 作者: 编辑:蔡娟 实习生 申太阳 2014-08-04 11:36:58

  人民网8月4日电 国家档案局今天发布第33名日本战犯鹿毛繁太的侵华罪行笔供。笔供显示,鹿毛繁太为了对付抗日军民,曾强迫数千户中国民众搬迁,制造“无人区”。





  笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)

  Shigeta Kage(鹿毛繁太)

  According to the written confession of Shigeta Kage from August to November 1954, he was born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan in 1899. During the Japanese imperialists’ aggression against China, he served as chief instructor of Liuhe County Police Administration of the puppet Mukden Province and chief of Police Division of Police Bureau in Jinzhou City. Major offences:

  May 1937: in Liuhe County, “sent 5 to 6 anti-Japanese armed guerrilla soldiers and staff” to the Japanese garrison army to be killed, and “I killed one of them with my Japanese sword”;

  From July 1936: in Liuhe County, “forced 2,500 (in the supplementary confession written on 20 November 1954, the number was changed to 6,500) households to move out of their houses (in order to construct depopulated zones); meanwhile, with the accusation of “entering the depopulated zone”, “killed 8 peaceful Chinese residents”.

