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Hunan Cultural Voice from NPC Deputy Gong Shuguang

来源:红网 作者: 编辑:张焕勤 2018-03-16 21:22:54


  [Bilingual Hunan] Hunan Cultural Voice from NPC Deputy Gong Shuguang


  During China’s Two Sessions in March 2018, Beijing, Gong Shuguang, as Hunan NPC deputy for the sixth time, takes his two proposals on cultural development, namely, advocating cultural poverty alleviation and fostering world-class cultural enterprises.


  Gong Shuguang, the NPC deputy, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hunan Publishing Investment Holding Group, and Chairman of China South Publishing & Media Group.


  The ultimate mission of cultural prosperity is to keep culture “going-on” and “going-out”.


  The main task of culture “going-on” is to develop culture toward China rural areas.

  The main task of culture “going-out” is to develop culture toward global markets.




  【倡导文化扶贫 Advocate Cultural Poverty Alleviation】












  Viewpoints of Gong Shuguang:

  Cultural development plays a profound role in China's poverty-relief battles. Culture can help rural impoverished people get rid of spiritual poverty and sustain long-term well-being. Culture “going-on” advancement is to improve cultural weakness.

  Thus as for practical significance, cultural poverty alleviation can support economic poverty alleviation through helping rural population’s spiritual motivation, knowledge growth and skill improvement; in the long run, cultural poverty alleviation can vitalize local culture, improve the weakness of ethnic culture and follow the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From this aspect, cultural poverty alleviation is another supply-side issue to solve sustained poverty alleviation.

  In addition to litterateurs, all social groups need to pay more attention to rural areas and population. Why? Deep in our heart, we will remain nostalgic complex and wishes.



  【号召培育世界一流文化企业 Foster World-class Cultural Enterprises】










  Viewpoints of Gong Shuguang:

  Culture “going-out”, as the mission of all the society, not just cultural enterprises, needs awareness and consciousness of the whole Chinese people. The effective way is nationwide reading, especially for the young.

  Cultural prosperity not merely refers to flourishing development of some products and artists, but lies in its driving force of social development.

  Cultural transmission not merely depends on cultural products, but relies on practical products as carriers.

  Cultural exchange is mainly accompanied by capitals, technologies, practical products, etc., far from cultural products.

  Cultural enterprises need to develop toward global markets and target at global customers, follow the Internet trend and accelerate product updating and upgrading. To this extent, the reform of cultural enterprises is a supply-side issue.

  编译:张焕勤 综合红网报道整理

