The “Chinese Bridge” contestants started their Hunan cultural tour after intense competition. They visited Yuelu Academy, Orange Isle, Longping Rice-themed Museum, and CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., to experience the charm of Huxiang Culture.
Yuelu Academy, one of the four greatest academies in ancient China, is situated at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Yuelu Academy opened more than 1,000 years ago, and still runs today. Numerous prestigious scholars gave lectures here.
The contestants toured around the academy, to learn about the origin of Huxiang Culture.
When visiting the Orange Isle, they overlooked Dufu Pavilion and the Four Sheep Copper Statue Square at the Xiangjiang River Scenic Belt, and appreciated the cultural background of the Isle.
The CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive is China’s largest electric locomotive researcher and producer, reputed as “China’s capital of electric locomotives”. Since its founding in 1936, it has made remarkable feats, and created records on China’s rail transit history. The photos show the contestants visited the CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive.
The contestants visited the Longping Rice-themed Museum, the world’s first of its kind. It represents Chinese top agriculturist’s achievements, and showcases a new China profile to the world.
Chinese source: