In the 15th Chinese Bridge Competition, 30 of 146 competitors from 108 countries are advanced. This is the group photo of participants.
Competitors are answering questions in the computer operating examination system.
Competitors promoted are excitedly embracing together.
Rednet (Changsha): On July 16, in the 15th Chinese Bridge-Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students, 30 of 146 competitors from 108 countries were advanced in Changsha, including 7 competitors in Asian Group, 7 competitors in European Group, 6 competitors in Amercian Group, 6 competitors in African Group and 4 competitors in Oceanian Group.
Inspector of General Office, Hunan Provincial People’s Government Huang Weidong and Director-General of Hunan Provincial Education Department Xiao Guoan attended the competition, composed of computer operating examination and 5D answering historical questions on 100 Walls of Fame.
Original Link: 第十五届“汉语桥”全球30强诞生 挑战心惊肉跳名人墙
红网长沙7月16日讯(时刻新闻记者 陈美淇 通讯员 袁瑾 彭纯)经过两天的过桥比赛,16日,第十五届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛进入了白热化阶段。来自全世界108个国家的146位选手经过激烈的复赛比拼,最终亚洲组7人、欧洲组7人、美洲组6人、非洲组6人、大洋洲组4人晋级。至此,“汉语桥”30强在长沙诞生。