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Rednet covers stories of annul sessions by omnimedia

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者: 编辑:李莎宁 2016-03-03 16:41:18

红网两会报道部分记者在北京红网两会嘉宾访谈室合影。The photo shows Rednet’s reporters in the VIP interview studio in Beijing.

全国两会红网报道团抵京。 The reporting team of Rednet arrives at Beijing.


    The 4th session of the 12th National People’s Congress and 4th session of the 12th meetings of the CPPCC is going to opened in Beijing on March 5 and March 3. Rednet sented 30-persons reporting team led by Long Guodong,the general editor of Rednet, to the annual two sessions with concerned proposals and issues in Beijing, March 2. The news reporting will be onmimedia reporting with all media, all formats, full coverage of perspectives, with various platforms.

    Original link:红网两会报道组抵京 即将开启全媒体融合“作战”(图)

