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Hunan delegates discuss precise poverty alleviation on HSR

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者: 编辑:李莎宁 2016-03-02 16:53:31


在湘全国人大代表乘坐G84次高铁列车进京履职。 NPC delegates from Hunan take the high-speed train G84 to perform their duties in the annul two sessions in Beijing.

在湘全国人大代表乘坐G84高铁列车抵京。 NPC delegates from Hunan arrives at Beijing.

     红网北京3月2日(时刻新闻记者 廖洁)上午9时,承载着三湘儿女的嘱托,在湘全国人大代表乘坐G84高铁列车进京履职。

      Rednet ( Beijing): On behalf of Hunan people, NPC delegates of Hunan took the high-speed train G84 at 9 o’clock in the morning March 2,to perform their duties at the annul two sessions in Beijing.


     This year is the starting year of the decisive stage of building a well-off society. Hunan delegates discussed their duties on winning a crucial key for poverty eradication in Hunan province. On the high-speed rail, several delegates from poorer areas talked about the issue of "precise poverty alleviation" around the table.

     Original link:在湘全国人大代表抵京 车厢内热议“精准扶贫”

