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Masonry and building craft brings happiness for the young migrant

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者: 编辑:张焕勤 2018-03-07 09:09:09


  [Bilingual Hunan] Masonry and building craft brings happiness for the young migrant


  The 23-year-old Zou Bin, the youngest Hunan NPC deputy 2018, has gradually grown to be Project Quality Controller of China Construction Fifth Engineering General Contracting Company.


  He came to work on the company’s construction site at 16 years old with his father. This young migrant worker started laying bricks at a construction site in Hunan province upon leaving high school. He took his job seriously and worked hard.


  In 2015, Zou was already top of his trade and represented China in a global vocational skills championship. He also earned himself a place in the Fortune 500 firm China Construction Group, receiving higher pay and leading a team of his own.


  Zou proposes to strengthen training for construction workers so that they can become main force for the new era’s construction industry with their professional skills and quality sense. Meanwhile, they can live a better life through their hard working.

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