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Ten foreign students experience authentic Chinese tastes

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者: 编辑:李莎宁 2017-08-12 12:32:25


  Volunteers teach foreign students to make dumplings at Changhua Community, Wangchengpo District in Changsha City, August 9.


  "It is a little difficult because it is my first time to make dumplings. Fortunately these ladies help me with patience, I can make dumplings." Xie Wen (sound), a Sudanese student,showed his dumpling to the camera.

  岳麓区望城坡街道长华社区举办“吃中国饺子 品湖湘风情”活动,10名来自哈萨克斯坦、阿富汗、苏丹等国家的“汉语桥”留学生欢聚一堂,和社区党员巾帼志愿者及孩子们一起包饺子,品尝地道中国美食,感受中国传统文化。

  The activity "Experiencing Hunan Culture: Taste Chinese dumplings" was held for ten foreign students from Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Sudan and other countries, who came to Changsha for "The 16th Chinese Bridge: Chinese Language Proficiency Competition". With guidance of volunteers from the community, these students enjoyed making dumplings, tasting the authentic Chinese food for experiencing Chinese traditional culture.

  Link: 10位外国留学生到社区感受地道中国风味

