On the afternoon of March 14, Hunan delegation held the eighth plenary meeting in Beijing.
红网北京3月14日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘玉先 廖洁 湖南日报记者 刘文韬 贺佳)今天下午,湖南代表团在驻地举行第八次全体会议,审议各项决议草案和民法总则草案建议表决稿,关于第十三届全国人大代表名额和选举问题的决定草案建议表决稿和香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区选举第十三届全国人大代表的办法草案建议表决稿,有关决定草案;总结代表团工作,就学习宣传和贯彻落实大会精神进行初步部署。全国人大常委会副委员长张平参加会议。
Rednet (Beijing): On the afternoon of March 14, Hunan delegation held the eighth plenary meeting in Beijing. The meeting was to review and vote the draft proposals, decisions and general provisions of civil law, the draft proposal for the number and vote of the 13th NPC deputies, and the draft proposal for the method of electing the 13th NPC deputies of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions; the meeting was to conclude work of Hunan delegation, to make initial deployment for publicizing and implementing spirits of the two sessions. Vice-chairman of NPC Standing Committee Zhang Ping attended the meeting.
Head of Hunan delegation Du Jiahao, deputy head Xu Dazhe, Wu Lan, Han Yongwen and Xie Yong attended the meeting. Besides, other Hunan NPC deputies attended the meeting, including Xu Shousheng, Hu Henghua, Li Jiang, Zhang Jianfei, Lai Mingyong, Kang Weimin, You Quanrong, Huang Boyun, Yu Laishan, Zhao Yongping, etc. Deputy Xie Yong presided over the meeting.
Original link: 湖南代表团举行第八次全体会议 张平杜家毫许达哲等参加