On the afternoon of March 13, Han Yongwen (L 3rd), secretary of the CPC leading group and deputy director of Hunan Provincial NPC Standing Committee came to Hunan news media station for “two sessions” and visited front-line pressmen.
Han Yongwen carefully investigated news report on “two sessions” by Hunan media.
Han Yongwen took a group photo with Rednet journalists and editors for“two sessions”report in Beijing.
红网北京3月13日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘玉先 摄影 杨杨)今天下午,受湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任杜家毫,省委副书记、省长许达哲的委托,省人大常委会党组书记、副主任韩永文来到全国两会湖南新闻媒体驻地,看望慰问奋战在一线的新闻工作者。韩永文勉励大家继续讲好中国发展和湖南发展的故事,讲好人大的故事,讲好人大代表依法履职的故事。
Rednet (Beijing): On the afternoon of March 13, commissioned by Du Jiahao (secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and director of Hunan Provincial NPC Standing Committee) and Xu Dazhe (Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province),Han Yongwen (L 3rd), secretary of the CPC leading group and deputy director of Hunan Provincial NPC Standing Committee came to Hunan news media station for “two sessions” and visited front-line pressmen. Han Yongwen encouraged pressmen to continually deliver reports on the development of China and Hunan, of the NPC session, and NPC deputies’ perform-duty as best as possible.
Original link: 韩永文看望全国两会湖南新闻工作者