HANGZHOU - The 11th summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies concluded here on Monday, reaching extensive consensus on pursuing innovative, invigorated, interconnected andinclusive world economic growth.
"Held at a critical time for world economic growth and the transformation of G20, the Hangzhousummit attracted wide attention from the whole world and carried high expectations," Xi said ata press conference after the summit concluded.
From Sunday to Monday, leaders of G20 members, guest countries and internationalorganizations exchanged views on topics including more effective global economic and financialgovernance, robust international trade and investment, inclusive and interconnecteddevelopment.
They also discussed prominent issues affecting the world economy, including climate change,refugee, anti-terrorism financing and global public health.
Xi said at the closing meeting that leaders attending the summit decided to point the way andset the course for the world economy.
"Facing current risks and challenges in the world economy, we will continue to reinforce macropolicy communication and coordination," Xi said.
"We are determined to break a new path for growth to inject new dynamism into the worldeconomy," Xi said, adding that a G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth was unanimously adoptedat the summit.
The leaders were also determined to improve global economic and financial governance toenhance the resilience of the world economy, and to revitalize international trade and investmentas the key engines of growth and build an open world economy, the president said.
Consensus was also made to promote inclusive and interconnected development, so that G20cooperation will deliver benefits to the whole world, according to Xi.
A communique was adopted at the summit, clarifying the development direction, targets andmeasures of G20 cooperation, while the Hangzhou Consensus was reached on facilitating worldeconomic growth through long-term, comprehensive, open, innovative and inclusive measures,according to Xi.