Hunan delegation holds its eighth plenary meeting to review work reports on the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.
Rednet (Beijing): Hunan delegation held its eighth plenary meeting in the national Two Sessions for reviewing the work report on the Supreme People’s Court ,the work report on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the draft amendment to the law of charity.Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People’s Court, China’s top court, attended the meeting and listened to the delegates’ suggestions. Zhou Qiang said that the Supreme People’s Court will carefully consider the opinions and suggestions submitted by delegations, for promoting the reforms and developments of Supreme people’s court by continuous improvements with all efforts.
Zhou said that in recent years, Hunan Provincial Committee kept implementingPresident Xi’s series of important speeches with practical work for the "Four Comprehensive" strategy, by promoting the rule of law, and the upgrading of the work on rule of law, which have played an important role on guaranteeing and promoting Hunan province’s development and stability with significant achievements for the reforms.
Xu Shousheng said that the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme people’s Procuratorate have always insisted right political direction, by putting CPC’s ledding throughout all the work of the two supreme courts, with each aspect and more highlights of guaranteeing the overall situation, with more highlight of judicial reforms and core requirements on "letting people feel fair and justice in each judicial case ".
Original link: 湖南代表团举行第八次全体会议审议“两高”工作报告和慈善法草案修改稿